Create new account Request new password. Pretty much all applications have received the developers' attention, resulting in a long list of bugfixes and improvements. Want a good read? Available deb Repositories how-to add a respository Debian. Changes to the KDE Ports needed by this: By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. kpovmodeler

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Fullmoon - Moray Scripting Plug-in This plugin is an attempt to make object plugin coding for Moray easier, by allowing authors to code them using a script language. Please login or register to add a comment. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Fix build with upcoming KDE 4.

Polywog A free simple 3D polygonal modelling program. Files moved from en. Release note can be found at http: Follow us Blog Twitter Status page. Changes to the KDE Ports needed by this: Add the source-code for this project on opencode. Management of the scene through a graphical tree. FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies.

KPovModeler for Linux - Free download and software reviews - CNET

HiRes Subdivision Software Highres will allow you to take low detail 3D models and convert them to higher resolution 3D models with a variety of tools available to accomplish this.

Jails IT Mastery Book Metasequoia is a Polygon Modeler in Japanese with a partially English version also available.

Byzanz - Graphic Apps last update date: Currently only Python bindings are supported. For most modelers, POV-Ray is nothing but a rendering engine. Views View Edit History.

You cannot overwrite this file. Qt4 has been EOL since december GPixPod - Graphic Apps last update date: It shows current print jobs, shows printer warnings and errors and shows when printers that have been plugged in for the first time are being auto-configured by hal-cups-utils.

On the other hand, for creating textures refering to POV-Ray's documentation will be difficult to avoid. Create new account Request new password. New options for media.


Exports to POV3 mesh. This file was moved to Wikimedia Commons from en.

KpovModeler is part of Apps, which is supported by the following people: Python bindings for KDE. Usable without Japanese knowledge. Added uv mapping and uv vectors.


KPovModeler will then, if the script only makes use of known primitives, convert the pasted text and include it into the current scene. Has export to POV-Ray capabilities. For most of the modelers, POV-Ray is nothing but a rendering kpovmodrler and they bring a lot of limitations to the innate possibilities of POV-Ray scripted language.

